Roller coaster of life…

Well, I made it to 5 years at the same workplace. Unfortunately the week after sucked (workflow was crap and got less than I wanted to done) and had to sign a written warning as I nodded off for a sec during a meeting (get sleepy when bored or not doing anything actively). Hard to be fully awake when it is the last hour of your last day of work for the week and you are sitting in a meeting when the temperature is in the 60’s all night. Hoping that I still have a job when I get back as I really do not want to go looking for a new job. Oh well.

On the up side, I have started doing some serious work on learning C# and also HTML5/CSS. Am trying to be more productive with my ‘free’ time and all that.

Hopefully I have my job still and make it to my vacation I have put in for. We shall see…

Updated: August 21, 2015 — 10:59 AM

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